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Mazboot Ghar, Mazboot Rishtey!

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Mazboot Ghar, Mazboot Rishtey

The film opens with one of India’s most promising actors and an icon from North East India, Mr. Adil Hussain addressing the audience about an issue that has become the concern of most households across the globe.

People all around are constantly saying “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. While the words are important and pertinent, given the times, but just words alone will make no difference if the “home” where people are asking everyone to stay is not strong enough.

He goes on to explain that there was a time when a home meant just a home – a place where the family stayed together and was meant to be that way. But since the dreaded Covid wreaked havoc, things have changed for good. Today, a home has turned into an office from where working men and women attend their daily “Work from Home” routine.

Similarly, this home has also turned into a spa,salon, restaurant, supermarket, grocery store, school for the kids and even a football field.

Mr. Hussain finally emphasises that since the house today plays so many roles, it is imperative that the foundation of this house is strong. And for that to happen the choice for cement is crucial – hence he relies on MAX CEMENT.

Max Cement – Strong Foundations lead to strong bonds.

Maximum Gurantee in Every Foundation

True to any Indian family, the desire to own a house that you call your own is always hidden in the heart. A family finds joy in planning every element, corner and even the material that goes behind making this dream home. More often than not, they put in their life’s savings into this house to ensure it is as good, if not better than what they had planned it to be. It is a dream that even the children participate and envisage along with their parents.

But sometimes there are obstacles that pose to be hindrances in making this dream a reality, or may be the dream does not have the strength to counter the harshness of reality. It is here that the support of something like Max Cement is required. Something that will help transform this dream into reality.

The building of a house is not always as easy at it seems and more often than not you need the help and guidance of expert advisors who are masters of their craft and give the best solutions to problems that might arise. It is in this guidance that the dreams find a safe haven. And this haven is found in the hands of Max Cement and its power of 3S – strength, setting and stability.

The robust and larger than life factory that runs round the clock to make this dream a possibility for one and all stands tall amidst the green valleys of Meghalaya.The scientifically researched formulation of 3S – strength, setting and stability provides a robust and top of the line cement that becomes the basis of any construction.

The result of this is nothing short of a dream, but one that is realized and there for one to experience and enjoy. The contentment that Max Cement brings to the dream house is that of Maximum Guarantee.

Mazboot Ghar, Mazboot Rishtey

The film opens with one of India’s most promising actors and an icon from North East India, Mr. Adil Hussain addressing the audience about an issue that has become the concern of most households across the globe.

People all around are constantly saying “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. While the words are important and pertinent, given the times, but just words alone will make no difference if the “home” where people are asking everyone to stay is not strong enough.

He goes on to explain that there was a time when a home meant just a home – a place where the family stayed together and was meant to be that way. But since the dreaded Covid wreaked havoc, things have changed for good. Today, a home has turned into an office from where working men and women attend their daily “Work from Home” routine.

Similarly, this home has also turned into a spa,salon, restaurant, supermarket, grocery store, school for the kids and even a football field.

Mr. Hussain finally emphasises that since the house today plays so many roles, it is imperative that the foundation of this house is strong. And for that to happen the choice for cement is crucial – hence he relies on MAX CEMENT.

Max Cement – Strong Foundations lead to strong bonds.

Maximum Gurantee in Every Foundation

True to any Indian family, the desire to own a house that you call your own is always hidden in the heart. A family finds joy in planning every element, corner and even the material that goes behind making this dream home. More often than not, they put in their life’s savings into this house to ensure it is as good, if not better than what they had planned it to be. It is a dream that even the children participate and envisage along with their parents.

But sometimes there are obstacles that pose to be hindrances in making this dream a reality, or may be the dream does not have the strength to counter the harshness of reality. It is here that the support of something like Max Cement is required. Something that will help transform this dream into reality.

The building of a house is not always as easy at it seems and more often than not you need the help and guidance of expert advisors who are masters of their craft and give the best solutions to problems that might arise. It is in this guidance that the dreams find a safe haven. And this haven is found in the hands of Max Cement and its power of 3S – strength, setting and stability.

The robust and larger than life factory that runs round the clock to make this dream a possibility for one and all stands tall amidst the green valleys of Meghalaya.The scientifically researched formulation of 3S – strength, setting and stability provides a robust and top of the line cement that becomes the basis of any construction.

The result of this is nothing short of a dream, but one that is realized and there for one to experience and enjoy. The contentment that Max Cement brings to the dream house is that of Maximum Guarantee.

Mazboot Ghar, Mazboot Rishtey

The film opens with one of India’s most promising actors and an icon from North East India, Mr. Adil Hussain addressing the audience about an issue that has become the concern of most households across the globe.

People all around are constantly saying “Stay Home, Stay Safe”. While the words are important and pertinent, given the times, but just words alone will make no difference if the “home” where people are asking everyone to stay is not strong enough.

He goes on to explain that there was a time when a home meant just a home – a place where the family stayed together and was meant to be that way. But since the dreaded Covid wreaked havoc, things have changed for good. Today, a home has turned into an office from where working men and women attend their daily “Work from Home” routine.

Similarly, this home has also turned into a spa,salon, restaurant, supermarket, grocery store, school for the kids and even a football field.

Mr. Hussain finally emphasises that since the house today plays so many roles, it is imperative that the foundation of this house is strong. And for that to happen the choice for cement is crucial – hence he relies on MAX CEMENT.

Max Cement – Strong Foundations lead to strong bonds.

Maximum Gurantee in Every Foundation

True to any Indian family, the desire to own a house that you call your own is always hidden in the heart. A family finds joy in planning every element, corner and even the material that goes behind making this dream home. More often than not, they put in their life’s savings into this house to ensure it is as good, if not better than what they had planned it to be. It is a dream that even the children participate and envisage along with their parents.

But sometimes there are obstacles that pose to be hindrances in making this dream a reality, or may be the dream does not have the strength to counter the harshness of reality. It is here that the support of something like Max Cement is required. Something that will help transform this dream into reality.

The building of a house is not always as easy at it seems and more often than not you need the help and guidance of expert advisors who are masters of their craft and give the best solutions to problems that might arise. It is in this guidance that the dreams find a safe haven. And this haven is found in the hands of Max Cement and its power of 3S – strength, setting and stability.

The robust and larger than life factory that runs round the clock to make this dream a possibility for one and all stands tall amidst the green valleys of Meghalaya.The scientifically researched formulation of 3S – strength, setting and stability provides a robust and top of the line cement that becomes the basis of any construction.

The result of this is nothing short of a dream, but one that is realized and there for one to experience and enjoy. The contentment that Max Cement brings to the dream house is that of Maximum Guarantee.

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